
A great place to start for a new developer on Blast is to write or edit documentation (pages like the one you are reading right now!). The process for editing or adding documentation relatively straight forward and does not require you to run the main Blast app. All you need is a text editor and Git installed.

The Blast documentation is written in Sphinx and is built and hosted automatically using Read the Docs.

All the documentation code and text is contained within docs/. Once you have made changes to the documentation you can preview those changes by running,

bash run/blastctl docs up

Then visit http://localhost:4001/ or open blast/docs/build/index.html in your web browser to see the changes. Every time you make changes to the documentation code you have to re-run the above command.

As well as viewing changes locally, once you have added or made changes using the developer workflow and have a draft pull request open, every time you push changes a preview of the documentation is available. You can view this preview by clicking here in the pull request: