Blast system pages

In addition to the public html pages Blast serves it maybe useful in the development cycle to access some of Blast’s system / administrator pages.

Django admin dashboard

The Blast Django admin site (see the docs here) allows you to view, edit, and launch periodic tasks, and add data to the database through a web interface.

Once Blast is running locally to see the Django admin dashboard go to where you will be prompted for a login. The login user and password are set by DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME defined in your env/ file.

Once logged in, you should see a page like this:


To see the following system pages you will need to be running the full Blast stack with bash run/blastctl full_dev up, and not the slim version.


The Flower dashboard (see the docs here) allows you to monitor the backend computation tasks being run in Blast. This allows you to see which tasks are being run and which tasks are failing.

Once Blast is running locally to see the Flower dashboard go to


The RabbitMQ management dashboard (see the docs here) allows you to see the message broker traffic where Blast computation tasks are sent to workers.

Once Blast is running locally to see the RabbitMQ management dashboard go to where you will be prompted for a login. The login user and password are set by RABBITMQ_USERNAME RABBITMQ_PASSWORD defined in your env/ file.

Once logged in, you see a page like this: